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Snowspelled - Stephanie Burgis I thoroughly enjoyed this fantasy novella. The worldbuilding was intriguing - it's set in an alternate-history-with-magic world where magic is men's domain and politics is women's - and I'm looking forward to exploring it further in the rest of the book. Our heroine, Cassandra Harwood, is wonderful: she's the kind of woman who sees a problem, narrows her eyes and runs full tilt at it, which is exactly the type of heroine I love, and her strong relationships with her brother and sister-in-law were a delight. The thing I found most fascinating about her was her history: she fought to be the first woman allowed to learn magic, and she won that fight, but that wasn't the end of her story, and it didn't mean her society changed overnight.

Overall, this was a fun read and a great start to the series.

(I received an advance copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.)